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Schedule a recurring Dynamic Analysis scan

You can configure a recurring schedule of your Dynamic Analysis in the Veracode Platform to run on a set day and time each week or month. You can also schedule the analysis to automatically pause and resume at specific times, such as IT downtimes or high-traffic timeframes.

You only have to configure the pause and resume schedule once, and it recurs automatically without any further manual intervention for the duration of the analysis. You can edit the pause and resume schedule or turn it off at any time.

You can also schedule a recurring analysis with the REST API.

Before you begin:

Ensure you have:

  • A Veracode account with the Creator, Submitter, or Security Lead role.
  • Created a Dynamic Analysis of a web application or API and selected Schedule at the bottom of the page in the Veracode Platform.

To complete this task:

  1. On the Dynamic Analysis Schedule and Prescan page, for Frequency, select Recurring.

  2. For the Prescan option, select On to run a prescan after submitting the analysis or leave it set to Off (the default).

  3. For Start, enter the date when you want the schedule to start, or select the calendar icon and select a date. If you set the start day for the 28th or later, the analysis starts on the last day of the month.

  4. From the Recur dropdown menu, select Weekly or Monthly.

  5. For Every, enter the recurrence frequency in weeks or months.

  6. From the On dropdown menu, select the day on which you want the scan to recur.

  7. For End After, enter the number of weeks or months that you want the recurrence schedule to last.

  8. For Analysis Duration, specify the maximum number of hours or days that you want each occurrence of this analysis to last.

    Veracode recommends that you set the maximum time for any analysis to three days. If you want to extend this timeframe, an analysis can have a maximum duration of seven days for a weekly occurring analysis, and 25 days for a monthly occurring analysis.

  9. For Pause and Resume, select Pause. Then, select the days or period, in hours and minutes, when you do not want the analysis to run. The default is Off.

    The analysis resumes automatically, outside the selected days or period, and continues to run on its schedule. If your account has the manual resume feature, select the first radio button and one of the following options:

    • manually: the analysis pauses automatically if it encounters an authentication error when attempting to sign in to the target site. The analysis remains paused until you fix the error and resume it manually. The default.
    • automatically: the analysis pauses automatically if it encounters an authentication error when attempting to sign in to the target site. After you fix the error, you must wait for the analysis to resume automatically. You cannot resume the analysis manually.

    If you change these options when the analysis is running or paused, the analysis applies the new setting the next time it is scheduled to run.

  10. Optionally, select Preview Schedule to review a summary of the schedule.

  11. Select Review and Submit to save the schedule and continue to the next steps.