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Use the agent with an SCM other than Git

You can use the Veracode SCA agent to scan a repository that uses a source code management (SCM) system other than Git. You can use these instructions to configure all commonly used SCM systems, including Subversion (SVN), Mercurial, and Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC).

The Veracode SCA agent normally interacts with a Git repository to learn the branch, commit, working directory state, and similar attributes to make the scan reports the most meaningful to the reader. However, not every organization uses Git and thus the agent needs a mechanism through which the scan data can be associated with the underlying source control metadata.

Communicating SCM metadata to the agent

The Veracode SCA agent accepts SCM metadata from the caller through these environment variables.

Environment VariableWhat It Controls
SRCCLR_SCM_URIThe URI you use to connect to the SCM system. For example: or

This value is the default name of the project in Veracode SCA after you complete your first scan.
SRCCLR_SCM_REFAny meaningful name of the current state of the working directory, such as a branch, a tag, or a similar concept in your SCM.
SRCCLR_SCM_REF_TYPEOptional. The type of reference described in the SRCCLR_SCM_REF variable, which can be one of these case-insensitive strings: branch, tag, or commit. The default value is commit.
SRCCLR_SCM_REVThe revision of the current state of the working directory. For example, a Subversion change number or a Mercurial revision identifier.
SRCCLR_SCM_SUB_PATHOptional. Only meaningful if the project is located in a subdirectory down from the root of the SCM repository, such as with a multi-project Mercurial repository. If you use Subversion or similar directory addressable source control systems, Veracode recommends you specify the full path to the project root as the SRCCLR_SCM_URI.


Check out the source as you normally would and change to the working directory.

$ svn checkout properties-mvn
$ cd properties-mvn

To gather the information, use the source control tool to inspect its status.

$ svn info
Path: .
Working Copy Root Path: /Users/mdaniel/.tmp/properties-mvn
Relative URL: ^/
Repository Root:
Repository UUID: a38e15f5-c4e9-4b0a-8018-68579ae2876f
Revision: 10
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: ayanul
Last Changed Rev: 10
Last Changed Date: 2010-09-29 04:28:27 -0700 (Wed, 29 Sep 2010)

Now you can capture the relevant pieces of metadata in environment variables and invoke the srcclr scan command to begin scanning.

$ export SRCCLR_SCM_URI=
$ export SRCCLR_SCM_REF=trunk
$ export SRCCLR_SCM_REF_TYPE=branch
$ export SRCCLR_SCM_REV=10
$ srcclr scan

The results print a summary to the terminal and provide a hyperlink to the full details in the Veracode Platform.