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Optional scan notifications

You can unsubscribe from notifications for specific scan types to stop receiving the emails listed in these tables.

Static policy scans

EventEmail subjectSample email textRecipients
Scan completedPOLICY: Policy Scan Completed: {application_name} - {scan_name}Thank you for using Veracode. The static policy scan of {application_name} - {scan_name} is complete.Security Leads, members of the team that submitted the scan
Prescan submittedPRESCAN: {application_name} - {scan_name} for Static AnalysisPRESCAN: The application {application_name}, {scan_name} has been submitted for Static Analysis.Security Leads, members of the team that submitted the scan
Prescan completedPolicy Scan Started: {application_name} - {scan name}Thank you for using Veracode. Please refer to the following information about your policy static scan of {application_name}.
  • Scan name: {scan_name}
  • Prescan: complete
  • The scan is in progress.
Scan results delayedScan Results DelayedVeracode encountered a technical issue with the following scan. It is under investigation and Veracode is working to resolve the issue.Members of the team that submitted the scan
Partial scan results availablePartial Scan Results AvailableSome results of the static scan, {scan_name}, are available.Submitter

Static sandbox scans

EventEmail subjectSample email textRecipients
Scan completedSANDBOX: Sandbox Scan Completed: {application_name} - {scan_name}Thank you for using Veracode. The static sandbox scan of {application_name} - {scan_name} in {sandbox_name} Sandbox is complete.Security Leads, members of the team that submitted the scan
Prescan completedSandbox Scan Started: {application_name} - {scan name}Thank you for using Veracode. Please refer to the following information about your sandbox static scan of {application_name}.
  • Scan name: {scan_name}
  • Prescan: complete
  • The scan is in progress.