Export Veracode SCA portfolio results
With Veracode Software Composition Analysis, you can export and download the SCA scan results for each application in your application portfolio.
The SCA Results report only includes results of scans performed using the upload and scan method. You can export additional data from Veracode SCA findings through Veracode Analytics.
Before you begin:
You must have the Security Lead or Administrator role to access the SCA Results report on the Export Data page.
To complete this task:
From Scans & Analysis > Veracode Software Composition Analysis, click Data Exports.
In the Software Composition Analysis (SCA) Results Export row, click the Generate Data Export icon to refresh the report with up-to-date data.
The report may take a few minutes to generate. When the report finishes generating, the Last Generated column updates to the current date and time.
When the up-to-date report is available, click the Download Data Export icon .
The report downloads to your browser as an Excel file.