Create Security Labs modules
You can create Security Labs modules, which are topic holders for one or more labs.
Before you begin:
Veracode must enable this feature, and you must be the Security Labs standalone administrator to customize labs.
To complete this task:
- Go to A list of your modules opens.
- Select Add new module. The new module title window opens.
- Add the title of the new module.
- Select Save new module. Your new module appears below.
- Add a description.
- Choose owasp as the category unless you have another category for your audience.
- Optionally, enter an integer in the Order field to determine the order in which your users see your module relative to other modules.
- Select Update module.
- From the top left of your module, select Edit module lessons. The Lessons page opens.
- Select Add new lesson.
- Add your lessons.
- Save your lessons.
- From the top left, select BACK TO MODULES. The Modules window opens.
- Scroll down to your module and clear the Unpublished checkbox to publish your module.
- Select Update Module.